Chinua Achebe--Things F a l l Apart-- Entry #1
In Ms.Faughey's class we've been starting to interpret a new book, Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. Before reading the text, Ms.Faughey wanted us to wonder how to analyze or depict the book with basic information. With basic facts about the book, we were asked to created our own cover for Things Fall Apart. After viewing many interpretations in our class, some were similar. What I seemed to notice is that the main character was always some type of shadow, with no face, but just a dark figure. Maybe it's just how people can perceive things. When we were provided with this information, we really didn't know who this character was based on this small type of information. Yet, we all assumed it was a character looking distraught. Some people interpreted the book literally, as things falling apart.This analyzing opened me up to a new perception of how society or people interpret books. We can judge books a certain way, and that's how we end up portraying them in our minds. Although I had to disagree with many of the covers, I realized that people can have different views on things.
After doing some research, I found different covers on Things fall apart, and decided to interpret them.

It's interesting to see how everyone interpret how the book cover should be. You have good observation in noticing the similarities that the covers all seem to share in one way or another.
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