Thursday, October 06, 2005

Telemachos and Athena (Unleashed :D)

Telemachos and Athena are strong characters. They remain persistent. For example Telemachos always protects his mother, Penelope, from the gangly suitors of Ithaca pleading her to be with them. He remains loyal to his mother by keeping the men away at their own risk. He also believes there is still hope there for his father to return.
Athena is strong in that she posseses grace and wise words. I like her because she also like Temalachus she is strong, thus she is the god of wisdom. She supported him a lot, and at many times aided Penelope in her loneliness, and she met with Telemachos to give him wise words.
I picked these specific characters to write about in this entry because they gave me a strong impression the most. Not that Penelope and Odysseus are not as significant, but they lead interesting lives with strong self character traits

I also have a picture of Homer that I found off of the Internet.


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